Because you might die.
Die from laughter (good kine) , die from jealousy that your friends aren't as radically awesome as mine (It's true, look up "da bomb" in the dictionary and you'll see their picture there), die from embarrassment for me (Meh. Pretty sure you already knew I was ridonkulous. Mostly because I use words like ridonkulous.), die from my lack of decorum (Mom), die from over-exposure to pure AWESOMENESS (Thanks Panda)....
either way faces will melt and people will die from me posting this. You've been warned.
My friends threw me a Madonna themed karaoke party for my birthday. Yes indeed they sure did.
Jackie came straight from a flight back from Disneyland and brought me this:
Do I look 27 yet? Best night evahhhhhhhhh!
(No alochol was consumed in the making of this birthday... this is what happens when Moms are kid-free for a night. SCARY!)
what?! i don't even HAVE any friends, much less awesome madonna friends! happy awesome birthday.
ps whoever thought of the madonna theme is brilliant because plain old "eighties night" is so last decade.
YES!!!!!! pure awesomeness indeed.
I was smiling, yet holding a cringe (and slightly flexing all muscles in my body) while scrolling to see what photos were posted.
my favorite is of Matti, backing it up.
Wow...I am so jealous. I wish I had been able to fly over there and attend. Great pictures, you look cute!
Nice tutu. Madonna tackiness unleashed. I'm glad I'm on the mainland. I think your sister Ashley would have loved it too.
what a fun night! i seriously love looking at these pics over and over and over and over.
That is so fun and it looks like you are drinking soda and get high baby.
Now I want to move back to Hawaii just to be your friend.
i would've died, had you put that one up of me trying to sing, looking like a donkey.
so, i went 80's, not madonna, but i still had such a fun night! thanks for inviting me and getting me out with the girls again!! thanks for turning 27. thanks for being my friend!
love ya!!
p.s. i didn't need to go into work until 9a.m. the next morning for the first time ever! answered prayers!!
let me know when you all go out again!
Liko you are welcome for not putting in your untagged photo! haha But I will have you know I left in my nostril donkey pic- Rach looked so intense! We both did! It had to be done. :)
Wow! That looked like so much fun! I love all the pictures! ;)
FUN! What is awesome is most of you are moms with kids and you could all look like teenagers if you wanted to! I love it!
YESSSSSS!! Greatest friends, in deed.
haha that is amazing! And happy 27 to you!
hahaha! thats all I can say to this. ha ha ha
that was just too much fun for one night. really. thanks for having a birthday and having so many great friends so that we could all have so much fun together!
27 is going to be a really really good year. i just know it.
You looked so dah-ling.
I think you have to do Madonna for Halloween now.
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