06 June 2011

My Cup of Tea Sewing Society

Aloha Friends,

Remember our fun little club? I keep waiting for the perfect time to have a craft nite or something sewing related- even just another mixer... not happening. Even though I am not teaching my class for the next seven weeks life is happening and it is all good and fun, but just busy. I think we should still be crafty together though.
Let's say for the time being we'll keep it here. That's better for our non-island society sisters anyway, no? I mean, we have a member in Botswana for crying out loud. I'm looking at you Meg Walt! If you have a project you are working on text a picture of it to me! Or email it. I love seeing what my friends are up to! If you're not up to anything crafty stay tuned and get ready to get inspired!

Your sister in all things sewing, mermaidly, and nautical,



Molly said...

hey I posted a pic on fb of Brookie's birthday outfit, complete with hairbow! That's my latest burst of creativity. I lost your digits, otherwise I'd text it to you! Happy sewing!!!

Stephanie said...

I'll grab it off FB- thanks! And I'll text you my # too. :)

modestmuse said...

Thanks for the shout out! I love the tee/dress idea, but I think I should start with something small. I saw a tutorial somewhere recently on how to make my old clothes into little clothes for Nile ... that would be cool!

Matti said...

this is great! It will be posted to the world to keep me accountably busy. My seing maching has been humming along for weeks it seems. Photos on their way! ;-)

Unknown said...

I made earrings at girls camp...does that count? I posted them on Facebook... :)

Stephanie said...

Sounds great! OH! I saw those on Instagram right? I'll go grab it too.

kimball said...

For a second there I thought I recognized the third swimsuit girl from the left.:)