Favorite image of the whole day:
Ambrose in his wild partriotic get-up streaming past some bewildered Chinese foreign exchange students. Fantastic.
They played so well together all day in honor of America.
Turtle Bay fireworks never disappoint... especially since regular fireworks are banned in our great state these days.
What's more American than fighting over shave ice?
I want a horse and to live on a ranch. But what's new?
Hello beautiful baby
Do you like being an American?
Where you get a day dedicated to curling up on a picnic blanket to have fun with your daddy
and your cheeky brother?
I like it too.
i like it too.
and how lame is it that we can't even legally light a sparkler here?! that's just madness!!
i was just wondering if the boys are friends yet.
you really can't light a sparkler? that IS madness.
fun times.
That first photo made me laugh. It looks like Ambrose is being attacked by a streaming patriotic blob.
ps, let me know what to do with your project idea.
geesh! we need to take some tips from you guys on decorating bikes and the kids. they look a lot better that ours did, ha! all we did was tape a flag on baby T's tricycle.....help!!
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