I just have today and Friday and then First Term is done! I will miss a bunch of gems from this Term. So many cool, focused students, but sayonara to the schedule! Adios!
The ankle is doing pretty great and when I wake up aching aching at 5AM I have the sweetest, fastest, most understanding caretaker sleeping right by my side to fetch 800mgs of Ibuprofen, water, a piece of bread- whatever. His good nature and concern hasn't worn off yet. Good man.
My kids have been impressing me like crazy with all this ankle business. The day that it all happened, I was laying on my bed with little pathetic tears rolling down my face— willing two hours to go by faster until I could get myself to the doctors— and Ambrose took care of me and Asher like he was 15 or something.
We've got some cool, creative goals going on around here that have me inspired to read more, be patient, practice, train my eye, and give.
I am also loving my daily dose of Asher time now that Ambrose has preschool every week day from 7:45-11:30. It's fun to focus on Asher.
I read this article that I can't find at the moment, about the Internet making it too possible for everyone to make their lives look so fantastic all the time- thus causing an "I'm missing out" fear amongst everyone who is not involved in exactly what is being posted. This was interesting to me and I felt like it was true. I rarely check Facebook anyway, because it seems highly artificial to me. People posting how great they are, their life is, what they are doing is the most fun...etc. all to accomplish what goal? We don't create scrapbooks from our Facebook posts so it's not like it's for posterity's sake. It's like one, big brag book being sent into the universe so that everyone else can instantly "Like" whatever fleeting whim their "friends" are projecting about themselves at the moment. Haha, now I am just sounding like the article too! I do think Facebook is great at getting the word out on events or general announcements and is a good way to find long, lost relatives or friends, but that's about it for me. The "happy horizon" on this is that I just check Facebook if someone sends me something on there now. In that way Facebook is a good thing for me and not a time-waster or something that makes me feel like I'm missing out or comparing myself to anyone else. If I think about all the hours I have wasted scrolling down my Facebook status updates when I could have been playing with my kids or reading or doing ANYTHING else it makes me a little sad. Reading about the oatmeal someone just ate, the cryptic emotional updates people are dying for follow-up questions on, etc.... sure hasn't gotten me anywhere. Just my personal preference. Rant done. :)
Jumbly post done too. I think this will be funny to read in years to come. My kids will be like "Facebook"? as they read this on the laser screens projected from their eyeballs, "What's a book?"
Ok, bye.
amen to that! very well said. let me know if you do find that article again.
Haha! "laser screens projected from their eyeballs".
Great post Stephanie! I agree about facebook. I always feel a few steps behind everyone else and decided to stop racking my brain for interesting things to say and just forget it.
I'm excited for project runway!
So sorry about your ankle, etc. Steph! I can just imagine Ambrose taking good care of things and it makes me miss him. I LOVE on your facebook rant when you talk about the "cryptic emotional updates". That is my biggest pet peeve about fb! The mean girl in me always wants to reply with something like "get over yourself" "out with it!" or "we don't care". Anyway...
cryptic emotional updates are my favorite too! oh i will never understand them.
oh hi stephanie. i found your blog. just so you know, i'm reading too. and i like it. hopefully i'll get to see you guys in person again one of these days :)
I don't like facebook. Even though I check it all the time. You are right, it is a complete waste of time. I had Zane change my password once so I would stop going on it....but then I figured it out.
i totally agree that FB is lame. My favorit thing about it is that people post completely vague comments about something terrible and then don't explain themselves. Is just to evoke sympathy and concern!? I hate that.
I do like it to keep in touch and send messages to people and get groups together for things. But people just spend too much time on it.
Having a hard time.....
Aren't you going to ask me what's wrong?
What's up Britt? Everything ok? Praying for you! ;) heh heh
I love this post. My problem with Facebook is now I wish all things just had a "Like" button. Facebook has also made me realize what a rude person I am cause the majority of time when I read someones post all I can think is "why am I friends with you?"
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