Hi, I missed you. I had some free time on this blustery Saturday night and so HELLO FRIENDS! Here's what my iPhone says we've been up to:
Spending as much time as possible with my boys, sneaking in a date night or a temple trip when we can, teaching and working furiously in my office, seeing our favorite musical legend in concert, Asher adjusting to his big boy bed and just being together...sounds about right. Oh and Ambrose started preschool! More about that later. Life is good, but will be much better come September 2nd. See you then.
glad your back!
Glad you posted today. Alton saw the picture of Ambrose and his rocket and asked if we could make one. I've got two happy kids a the moment, racing around the house with their homemade rockets. (We made volcanoes, too.). Very fun. Happy teaching and playing!
Your back! not that you've been "gone" haha.
i missed your blog face.
Hey, Hey... Sweet Song. You know I always appreciate your music taste. Want to thank you for your little sweet gestures that make me feel like you care about me :). Sending love to you and the fam. and extra sweetness for Ambrose and Asher, such great, fun people they are!
I don't think people understand how awesome the Jeff Tweedy show was.
I can't wait until Sep 2 and you can start posting again! How is Ambrose liking preschool?
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