Now she's the proud Mama of three little boys. I'll admit that when she told me she was having another little boy I thought- Man, that's probably gonna happen to me... which is ridiculous because I've been pretty baby hungry with all the friends I've got popping out babies right now. I would take three more little boys in addition to the wild men I already have in a heartbeat!
Ahhh, nothing like a new baby. Nothing.
And we know what to do with cute little boys around here, that's for sure!
I love my army of little boys. Present and future. All in good time. :)
WHOA! Maria Draper was our next door neighbor in student housing when Dave and I first got married! Are you guys friends?? CRAZY small world!!!!
i have to do a baby shower for my sister in law this weekend and it's going to be a disaster because i don't know how to throw parties and i don't know what to do at a baby shower! yikes
you should have ten boys. that would be fun.
julis = melissa p
Oh that's so funny! Maria's husband works in the same department on campus as Katie's husband. Small world indeed!
Melissa I got all excited like- Mellie's mom is comment ing on my blog! COOL! I was still excited when I found out it was in fact you- but you know what I mean. :)
yes! 10 boys!
i envy your baby hungriness. i'm getting nervous that we won't have any more kids because i DO NOT want another baby yet. yikes. maybe when romancakes gets as big as asher??? let's hope!
I LOVE the army men theme. Boys rule! ps. how are the "projects" coming?
They are going well! I am working on some stuff for the boys and some photography. I need to get to that esty stuff too so we can do our dream shoot!
Carrie- I have no clue what it is like to raise three boys and do it as well as you so you take your time on whatever family plan you can handle! That's what we are doing. Taking our sweet time. It's good to just be able to breathe and enjoy the sweet kids we have instead of always thinking about what's next. That's what I keep trying to tell myself anyway.
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