Upstanding Youth had a show at Waiamea Bay Park and Echo and I spent some time back stage getting the children aquainted
There was a loud, big bird around who also wanted to get aquainted
My cousin Megan ran the Honolulu Marathon and did really well! She's my hero.
The Palmers left for the mainland to spend time with family over the holidays
But I got some last minute photos of Myra before they took off
It's been an eventful week! This weekend my newly married friends from high school might hop over to our island from their honeymoon, and my sister Ashley comes to visit on Monday until Christmas! YAY!
Sounds like life is pretty exciting right now. I love that about that holidays!
Love the belly to belly pic, very clever.
The last picture of Myra is gorgeous. She is a cutie!
Have fun with Ash!
I don't who was strutting more, the preg girls with colorful shoes or the colorful peacock. I look forward to the blog.
dude, were you there when i told little debbie i'd give her a dollar if she made the peacock at sir walter scott's house spread its feathers? and she did and then she made me give her the dollar? i love that memory.
Oh good heavens- YES I was there and that is one of the best memories you have brought up in a while! Wonder where Little Debbie is these days? We should look into her whereabouts.
thanks for putting pictures of myra on your blog. thanks for having a blog. thanks for making my life more exciting because i have checking your blog to look forward to. i like that picture of you and echo--i can imagine you showing up at the show--you look at eachother--you realize suddenly you wore almost the exact same outfit--you remember yet again the crazy parallels of your lives: getting married around the same time, having husbands in a band together, getting pregnant around the same time---finally, you decide to sieze the photo opportunity...they say a picture says a thousand words--i'm sorry for just now trying to write them all...
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