The Rocha was slightly disappointing, but a good learning experience for future recipes. Here are the lessons learned for my champagne truffles (that's the next recipe in the book):
If it says butter, don't use the butter or margarine spread you have in the fridge- even if it is what you have so you want to use it and it's a sunday so you shouldn't run out and buy butter- just wait until the next day- buy butter and then wait for the next free window of time to make the recipe right... the fake stuff makes the caramel part a weird color, very chewy and just basically not quite right
Next, Hawaii is a humid place and my friend from work says it is notoriously famous for being a tricky place to make chocolate (I really know how to pick my projects don't I?). So, instead of cooling the large pan of Rocha on your kitchen table- you need to cool it in the fridge where it is less likely to sit and mush and just be soft and not harden correctly because of the environment- rainy humid day equals not very crispy caramel Walnut Rocha.
Despite the se lessons learned, the finished product wasn't horrible- it just isn't quite worthy of going to anyone as a gift. It will sit in two containers in my fridge so Thomas and I can have an occasional brae bite until we realize that it is really chewy and then I will trow it out in about four more days and sigh as I accept that my first effort wasn't the best- but future efforts will hopefully be better.
In happier news- THE PALMERS ARE BACK! Welcome home you three. We missed you!
Oh yeah, and just because I can't resist something this awesomely cute and ridiculously adorable- here is a picture of my two baby nephews hugging when they saw each other this past weekend. The last time they were together one of these two was stomping the other to the ground. Time heals all wounds.

My nephews are the cutest things ever.
so are mine... :)
woah, they are cute. and your rocha is cute, too, even if not completely professional grade.
You learn to cook by cooking. Everytime you make a mistake you learn how you will do it differently and better the next time. Using stick butter is definately a lesson we have all learned the hard way!
Yes, Steph... Ask me about the lasgna I made when I was first married and about how I ran to my room and cried when I tasted it. Brody just sat there and kept eating it because he was trying to be nice. Oh so funny now, but not so funny at the time. I was a little turned off from cooking for a while because I thought "I did all the work and it didn't even turn out!"
How funny- that happened to me with lasagna as well and I have not cooked it since. I added too much fennel. The recipe called for fennel- but to thomas and me it tasted like black liccorice... nasty.
truffles, truffles, truffles----that's supposed to sound like a chant that eggs you on---when will you be making them---i can't eat m&m's forever.
how about this weekend? wanna help wanna help? i just got the last thing in the mail so it's all ready to go- I just need one more ingredient.
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