28 February 2007

Diana requested more frequent posts

And this one suits her:

If Thomas were an M&M this is what he would look like. The M&M website said so. I would provide mine, but it took too long to download so I clicked off out of frustration. I guess I just didn't want it bad enough. Perhaps I will revisit the site.


Ashley said...

I have always thought of Thomas in that way. I think that picture sums him up perfectly.

melissa said...

i love m&ms. mms also happens to be my initials. thomas is a very handsome piece of candy-coated chocolate, if you don't mind my saying so. (and such a pretty blue!)

Stephanie said...

Not only do I not mind you saying so, but I encourage such comments since I have always thought them myself. Keep the validation coming!

Thomas said...

Did you ever notice that m&M's actually do melt in your hand?

Stephanie said...

yes, yes i have noticed

diana palmer said...

i sure am glad i'm not an m&m because then i'd have to eat myself. don't worry. i would never eat you though stephanie, or thomas. just, you know how i much i love m&m's.

why does thomas m&m wear aviators?

why does stephanie m&m wear white gloves?

Stephanie said...

Well, Thomas is cool and I am fancy. Honestly, I thought you knew us better than your questions would suggest... :)