I'm up in the night (well, I guess morning now) feeling a little more uncomfortable than usual. I was thinking to myself, wow, my due date is two and a half weeks away, seventeen days, two weeks and three days, way less than a month, soon, really soon. It's really exciting, but kind of sad or at least interesting to be coming to the end of a really consuming and LONG phase of my life. I feel like I have been pregnant forever. It has been all I could think about (and blog about as I am sure you have noticed) for nine months. I will kind of miss having this weird bond with nearly every woman I come in contact with. Old Aunties waiting in line with me in public restrooms will smile at me with shining eyes and then as if they can't resist this force of gravity that connects their hands to my belly- they reach out and touch me and ask all the inevitable questions, "When's baby due?" "First one?" "Boy or girl?" and they usually tell me why they knew it was a boy- because I carry this certain way, or my complexion looks this way.. or other things. I am sure everyone who has had a baby and is reading this has had that same experience over and over. I didn't mind it. I told Thomas once that I was excited to be done with all the sympathetic looks people gave me when I was really waddling or doing something awkward, but I may even miss that too. What other time in your life will strangers be excited for you and supportive of you? Maybe when you have children with you, but it seems like strangers are so quick to be irritated if your child is loud or something. I don't know, it is just neat to be in this stage. Every woman who is pregnant, has been, or is hoping to be feels or at least acts bonded to you and that's cool. I thought that I would be sad to be pregnant and so far away from my mother and sisters and best friends from home- and although I always want to see them and do miss them- I have never felt a lack of female support throughout my pregnancy and think this is why.
Glad you are enjoying your pregnancy, and I always hated the last few weeks and wanted it over with.
Just be careful not to miss the baby belly too much. Remember to enjoy your little one (baby blues are real).
You look really good for being due in two weeks! We anxiously await your first baby blog!
that was a really sweet, absorbing post. you're beautiful.
Seriously, you have some late-night insight, pal. I'm always thinking I have a right to be friends with pregnant girls. Cool that you can tell.
I always notice pregnant women too, but a lot of times I am thinking "oh you poor girl" because they look a little tired and big. It is interesting how when you are not pregnant no stranger would ever touch your stomach, but that rule does not apply if it is sticking out. Does that mean we can do that to men with big beer guts?
you are looking seriously great. I am so excited for the pics of Ambrose to be (inevitably) posted!
yo, yo ,yo! alls b wants to know is why are we a link?
d told me not too- but perhaps i will anyway... once i remember how to do it
Steph, I want to let you know that I can relate to what you said. If I had read that while I was pregnant, i would have been a flood of tears. Pregnancy, child birth, being a mother - is the most amazing experience I've had. Cherish every moment. Now that I've come across as an over-used hallmark card, I'll post. Love you, Ali
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