26 February 2007

Growing Things: An Ambrose Party

So Diana and Becca (aka: d & b) threw me the party of the century on Saturday to welcome the baby boy. It was a dream. I keep replaying it in my head over and over. I was so nervous that no one would come, but SO MANY people came and it was awesome! I loved having a room full of friends and feeling so loved. Oh yeah, and there was a huge table of DELICIOUS food!!! That was the second best part of the party- the first being the room full of friends that I always want to see, but never get around to because I am too lazy laying in my bed watching TV. Anyway, it was grand. Here are the photos to prove it.

Diana really out-did herself. It was a feast. Rischel, Becca, LeeAnn, and Liz helped as well.

Some wives of Thomas' friends and my dear friends as well. Kahi Winget, Echo Allred, and Kristen Eskaran. What lucky boys- we are cool. Check out the chub in my face... hopefully this goes away someday. Oh yeah, and what did I spill on my belly? This is a common question in my day to day life.


Ashley said...

You are so cute. I didn't see any extra chub on your face..I don't know what you are talking about.

laura said...

How fun- and you're right the food does look amazing. I was thrilled to see a picture of Kahi. She was in my Social Work classes. Send her my hello.

Ashley said...

Check out my new and really boring blog at ahawkblog.blogspot.com or you could just click on my name.

Stephanie said...

I didn't know that you knew her! Awesome! She is so cool.

Ashley- WAY TO START A BLOG! Everyone check out Ashley's cool blog- because she is NOT boring! She is cool!

star said...

It looks like the shower was amazing! It was great to see Echo and her baby too. I wish I could have been there with you, but I am working on that gift I told you about.

Natalie said...

You don't look chubby faced to me. The food looks good, the friends look fun, and I am so excited that you are so close!

boo face mcjones said...
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boo face mcjones said...

Looks like a gay old time! You are looking fab-o to me, little lady!
In other news, I'm a little bummed that you've replaced me with a new Becca in your life. I don't really know what to do with myself right now, and I'm feeling increasingly uncomfortable talking about it, so i'm going to stop writing...

Stephanie said...

Oh you know you can never be replaced! Although, she is from Idaho... but the similarities end there. Dry your eyes little friend.

Anonymous said...

You are right, I was participating from across the Pacific. I thought of you constantly on Saturday and wished I was there. Now after seeing the spread of great food I really feel sad that I wasn't there. Oh well, we will have our own party in about 32 days! I'm glad that you have so many wonderful friends.