12 February 2007

My child has six paris of shoes

My due date is in four weeks and I am getting kind of antsy. Today I babysat Laura (Allred) Skinner's really cute and good baby boy and she gave me the cutest little pumas ever! She couldn't have given me a better gift- I am obsessed with baby shoes and it's kind of funny since I am sure he will only wear some of them a couple times if even that. Here are some shots of them. They are awesome. I love it. I'm stoked.

Army shoes

The whole gang:

Yep, all six pairs:

Hey big mamas house...


Ashley said...

Did you stick a beach ball up your shirt?

star said...

I love the shoes My Friend Stephanie! I know they aren't necessities, but I love them too!

Stephanie said...

ashley- yes, if by beach ball you mean a six and a half pound human being.

starlyn- hi! thanks for loving my obsession.

boo face mcjones said...

ok, LOVE THE SHOES!!! I'm so jealous. I'm also excited to hear that you bought a pair pre-pregnancy. I tried convincing jesse into buying a little pair of pink cowgirl boots the other day-- you know, just in case-- and he firmly refused... i think we may have to take it up again.

Natalie said...

Stephanie I love the shoes. Just know that you have another pair coming your way. I just bought them last week. I am so excited that you are getting close!

Stephanie said...

woo hoo!

Roeckers said...

I love baby shoes too!

Rainey has five pairs in size one and 3 in size 2.

My favorite shoes are Robeez (Robeez.com)and the velcro back Nikes.

A baby can never have enough shoes.

glad to hear you are having so much fun.