It's here! It's here! It's here!!! What? No baby? I want my money back. Well, we went to the doctors today and not much has changed but we found out some info and made a game plan.
Info: through an ultrasound we were able to see that things are A-OK and he is still in a great position for birth. Oh yeah, and he is 8 pounds. Woo hoo!
Game Plan: deal with being pregnant for a little while longer. Come to an appointment on Friday if he still hasn't made his grand entrance and make plans for being induced on Monday 3/19/07. Cervix may never function as we would like... time to get him out. So, if his birthday is not any sooner, mark your calendars for a March 19th birthday!
I actually feel a lot better about everything now that I know there is a definite end to this pregnant saga and when that end will be. If he comes sooner and I get to do all my natural Lamazey stuff then I will be elated. If not, I will be glad to have him in my arms and healthy. I feel we win either way and am also feeling very open to other options that I shunned a couple of weeks ago.
other options? like, what, giving him to me?
i'm sorry, that sounds so horrible and not even like a joke since i know how excited you are to have a baby. i'm the worst.
Well, giving him to you isn't exactly an option if he won't come out! :) Other options really just consist of being open to the possibility of being induced- since that was a dirty word to me a week ago.
I guess we can wait a few more days... We are so excited Steph!
tj was 4 days late, L was 9 days late and E was induced 2 days after the due date.
i think it is good the the guy wants to stay in his soft warm mommy. :) enjoy what little sleep you can get before the big day.
xoxo, marina
induction is not scary, two of my three were inductions. You will still be able to use you lamaze
Things will run smooth. It is amazing what a plan can due to your mood.
We will be thinking of you all week. Good luck.
isn't it amazing how these kinds of experiences force us to be ok with things that would otherwise be unimaginable?
your positivity is utterly inspiring today! keep on keepin' on!
push hard!
Plan something really fun to do this weekend and then you won't want to go into labor before Monday!
This picture looks like I am blowing up a balloon! :)
i've enjoyed the recent increase of thomas comments. what i thought when i saw this picture was, "i wonder if he notices how close he is to stephanie's belly button?"
i'm still thinking about what you said about the wig factory, too, thomas. ask ambrose. i think babies know things.
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