Thomas is completing his second semester working at the state hospital for his practicum and I love the stories that have been produced from his time there. Yesterday he came home with a good one. One particular patient with some sort of psychotic disorder is known for not really liking anyone. He happens to be in a class Thomas co-faciliatates called "adult literacy." During class yesterday, this patient passed Thomas a note that read: "Cease drumming your fingers." I guess Thomas' awesome drumming skills are not appreciated everywhere- especially not in adult literacy class and especially not by this particular patient.
my favorite part of this story is the fact that the note began with the word "cease."
hilarity all around.
Mine too- in fact I've thought about it a couple times today and laughed my head off. He could have said anything in the note that he passed like a seventh grade girl- and he chose to say "cease"- I'm laughing right now.
ooh, me too, out loud. i love this anecdote. poor guy, really.
and i love that the three of us are carrying on conversations on each of our blogs. now i'm laughing about that.
It's like we are on a chat room, but way cooler and way less sad.
i think his use of the word 'cease,' was to prove he did not belong in the adult literacy class.
Haha! Thomas said that is true- but he is in the class for socialization so he can learn to not pass notes to people asking them to "cease" doing things. :)
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