27 April 2007

I'm Smart...

Today I made the family get all dressed up to go to my aunt's niece's wedding reception at the Polynesian Cultural Center. It was an ordeal. We bathed the boy and forced him to wear ridiculously cute clothes and we even took family photos to document the occasion... but when we got there and found free parking and got the car seat in the stroller and walked all around trying to find the correct location only to see that it was deserted... and then inquired about the event at costumer service... and then went back to the supposed location...I suddenly remembered that I got my wires crossed and we were a whole day early... we have to do it again. Tomorrow. Here are some photos to mark this special day, one of many, I am sure.

Ambrose was happy to be home!


star said...

Oh Steph! I feel bad because getting everyone ready must have been a challenge and you have to do it again, but at the same time it makes me laugh. You are such a good sport! At least you have some great pictures of your little family all dressed up! You look GREAT!

melissa said...

totally sounds like somthing i would do. and not be as cheerful about it as you are. and i don't even have the baby portion to deal with.

boo face mcjones said...

HAHA. that's awesome. well, not realy AWESOME, but it was amusing and sounds strangely familiar (so says that inner voice of self-awareness that I work so hard to block out).
I must selfishly admit that it all seems worth it, though, in order for me to enjoy so many great pics of the Robertson fam. Ambrose's cheerful smile warms my cold heart.