24 August 2007

just to clarify...

this is not just a blender for the faint of heart. it's a Vitamixer- that's what jamba juice uses- better recognize. :)


mckay said...

I want one too! One of my best friends step father in law is the guy that invented them! I keep telling her to get him to give me one! j/k!

Stephanie said...

oh put in a good word for me while you're at it! they usually do demonstrations at costco and so I was hoping to see one while we were there today- but no such luck...

boo face mcjones said...

if i bought one, would you come visit me? i would let you touch it...

Stephanie said...

you bet! or you could just use the money to help pay for the plane ticket... but that wouldn't be as much smoothie-making fun in the long run.

melissa said...

glad that this isn't a blender, steph. because we all know that blenders are offensive to modern women (see father of the bride for details).

Stephanie said...

oh yes, i thought of that. i guess that's why i wondered if it was ironic? (and pathetic for that matter)