28 February 2008

mass transit never felt so liberating

today my good friends matti and echo and i loaded up our diaper bags, babies, and high hopes for an adventure to fabric mart in kaneohe on the... get ready for it... BUS!!!!

matti and echo ride the bus with their baby chillies all the time, but i have been too snobbish, scared, and even uniformed (is there a schedule? how do i transfer? what if i take the wrong one?) to frequent this mode of transportation. i even considered it an all time low in my mothering when i finally decided to take the bus one town over (so in hawaii that means like a 5 minute ride) to a doctors appointment and ended up waiting 45 minutes and missing my appointment and trekking home angrily leaving saucy messages on thomas' voicemail about how we need to "get our acts together, grow up and get me a car already!"

so, yeah, i had a bad attitude for some unfounded reason. welp, echo invited me on the aforementioned adventure today and (gasp) I LOVED IT! it was just that: an adventure. ambrose loved it and banged happily on the large windows (when he wasnt busy whining himself to sleep) and i enjoyed the scenery flying by us as we were passively transported to our destinations today.

who knew? the bus. you should try it sometime.

(reader note: dont go gettin' all crazy now, i would still like to one day own a functioning vehicle of my choice; but this new bus thing kind of makes me feel like new doors of transportation and bacteria have been opened and i better hop in a pay my $2 before it mechanically shuts!)


echo said...

it was a fun day wasn't it. let's do it again!!

lizzie said...

I'm a huge fan of public transportation. We love not having a car out here. It's so nice not to worry about traffic and whatnot. That said, I hated riding the bus back in Hawaii. It made me feel ill--all that bouncing and vibrating. Yuck. So I guess for me it's a trade-off. But if you have the stomach for it, more power to you. :)

. said...

I never rode the bus in Hawaii, but that was the only time in college I had a car. When i was at Provo I rode the bus and my mom was astonished and proud of me for doing so. This was after living away from home for over 7 years, I guess she thought I was too much a gentle flower to use public transportation.

Ali said...

"saucy messages" - love that terminology.

Eliza truly was a fan of the bus while living in Germany. They were SO clean in that country. I'm only jealous that you can communicate in English with the bus driver when making money transactions, etc.

Thanks for sharing :)

Luisa said...

You are so funny Steph...I feel the same way you felt. I am scared of busses because I feel like I don't know how long it will really take and if I'll get on the wrong one. I decided to courageously fight that urge one random day in Bakersfield...and I got on the city bus from a stop by Stockdale High cuz I was gonna have to walk home. So on a whim I jumped on the bus. Let's just say, that's where I really got to know the ins and outs of Bakersfield. Like 2 hours later or something I got home. I was so frustrated! But I am encouraged by your positive experience...good for you for trying it again.

Natalie said...

I love the bus and am still tempted to ride it sometimes, but since I have a car I never really do it. I rode the bus almost everyday to Sunset Beach when I lived there and the only time it was bad was if the high school kids were just getting out of school. :-)

The Prigmore Family said...

EXCUSE ME?!!! Da Bus?? With keiki in tow? Someone call CPS. Seriously. Call now.