21 April 2008

a historic weekend

well, not really, but we decided to check out the hawaiian plantation village in waipahu this weekend and it was all about the history of sugar plantations in hawaii. as they advertised, we learned all about the days when "sugar was king!" it was great and would have been a lot better if i had remembered ambrose's stroller, or baby carrier or anything resembling either of those items. we either had to carry him the whole time (and it was LONG) or let him walk which meant a few awkward moments when he decided to explore some important artifact on his own, grab the pant legs or buttocks of some stranger in front of him to catch his balance, or take on some rickety stairs with all the confidence of a crazy one year old toddler. it was a good time regardless though. thomas and i took turns taking pictures during the guided tour and almost every shot was interesting because of the nature of the subject: old or replicated items from either Portuguese, Latino, Spanish, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese or Okinawan culture (cerca 1900- to late 1930s). very cool. oh yeah, and they had just about every type of fruit or other kind of tree hawaii has to offer and explained which ethnic group brought what over to the island- the tamarind candy was pretty good too... or maybe we were just hungry from walking around forever with the monster child.


boo face mcjones said...

i heart ambrose in that little hat.

Brittany said...

I LOVE those pictures... amazing photography and I want a house and all those furnishings just like those. That is my dream.

Testing said...

Looks cool- reminds me of the Children's Discovery Center- have you been there? Lots of photo ops!

KristenE. said...

Dude! My great grandad was a boxer back on the 'good ole days' and his boxing pic is in the filipino bachelor quarters...funny since we have hardley any filipino in us, but next time you go you should check it out! Haha! Looks like Amby had a lot of fun =) He is such a little walker now!

Stephanie said...

kristen! we totally saw his picture- i remember that room! too cool.

Unknown said...

I remember going to that with my history class. I loved it!

The(totally awesome)Luchau Family! said...

Hey there Stephanie, your little boy is so cute. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. By the way your camara is awesome!Have a great weekend. ~RandiSue

melissa said...

i just realized i think you meant to make the title of this post "an historic weekend," because places like that always encourage weird english quirks in spelling.