27 April 2008

listening to this american life, billing into the night...

but i'll take a break and say hello.

i cant think of much to post lately but here are some facts:

ira glass= still my hero hero hero

report on weaning the baby calf (ambrose)= tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of absolutely no nursing at all. hold me to it. this past week was just the morning feeding because i am too lazy to be up for the day before 6am.

i finally cashed in my christmas present from thomas and got a facial at aveda ala moana on friday and it was (sing this part in a high pitched angelic tone) GLORIOUS!!!! it's not just a facial people. it's a total body relaxation and i took full advantage of all the perks. i didnt play it cool at all.

i have a slight tan sort of. well, i am no longer bright white... kind of off white. awesome.

my child is so so so fun lately. learning monkey tricks- performing them at the most awesome times- making thomas and i crumble in sheer delight, shreeking about what a brilliantly adorable child he is. it's fun.

the end.


. said...

Thanks for the update, a facial s ounds really nice right now. I am lookin at craigslit for housing back there. I bet I could convince MIke we should move back there, really I think I can

Audra said...

good luck with weaning. we will begin soon...

you still never told me how you ended up in hawaii.

Stephanie said...

bille: move back!!! oh my gosh, would that ever be a dream come true! i hear jeannie's apartment is available in july... hahaha

audra: good luck with the weaning- dont do cold turkey- be really really gradual- cold turkey is the worst kind of hell you can imagine. we have been weaning since december and today is the first day of no milk at all. ah.

also, i ended up in hawaii because i came to school here and then married a boy who was born and raised here so after we both graduated we just kind of stuck around, but it wont last forever- TOO EXPENSIVE!!!:(

echo said...

i wanna facial too!

Melissa said...

How did it go? you are a stronger women than I--thats for sure.

A facial sounds amazing.