02 July 2008

we are staying

for several reasons. we looked and looked- and who knew, our high crazy rent is normal for hawaii and after closer examination of other places we actually have a great deal! we could have saved a little bit by moving elsewhere, but forget not having a dishwasher, we wouldn't have even had a bath tub for the boy or stove and oven to cook with. i'm not kidding friends and family, no stove or oven.

top ten reasons to stay in no particular order:
1. dishwasher
2. two bedrooms
3. our place is extremely spacious compared to others
4. we hate moving all of our crap!
5. we LOVE our landlords- they are awesome people
6. washer/dryer
7. we have parking we didnt know we had before
8. we feel bad getting into our ward, getting callings, and then getting out before more than 15 people knew our names
9. our landlords cat is ambrose's best friend (amby named him "Mao" i call him the chairman)
10. it is entirely common to open our front door in the morning and find that our landlords have put fresh mangoes, avocados, or mountain apples on our little ledge from their trees
and, uh, here are a bunch of more reasons:


Sofia D. Hoiland said...

Wow, you guys have a nice place! Does Ambrose fall asleep often while eating? How funny!

stef j. said...

Your're place is capital S-W-E-E-T. I'm glad you're staying so that we can still be close-proximity neighbors.

And hip hip hooray for fresh, free produce!

Stephanie said...

hey sofia- yeah, actually- as i was putting these up i realized that we have a TON of pictures of him asleep at his highchair and that is probably because when it does happen it is so cute we have to capture the moment... :)

Star Gazer said...

I love these pictures! You have such a fun blog and I love seeing your beautiful family! :)

. said...

How nice, clean, bright and updated your place is. I know exactly what you mean about places with no oven, or stove. 1500 for a place with a hot plate!? Out of the question. Glad you know you will be there for longer, you must feel so relieved.

Melissa said...

i would stay there too! its an amazing place!!

J and Christy Brown family said...

I think your apartment looks very nice and I like the double door fridge. How much are you guys paying?

The Prigmore Family said...

Awww. The crib! It brings back such vivid memories. And excuse me...where did you find a place this clean AND with a dishwasher AND with stainless steel in Hawaii? Why were you going to move from its silvery haven you fool? My goodness woman! Glad you came to your senses!

Meg said...

Your place looks awesome! I want to come and check it out sometime.