10 February 2009

book worm experts: the modern library

i love seeing what top publishing companies, top universities, and top literature experts recommend in way of a "must-read" list- here's the modern library's top 100 best novels lists : one by the board and one created by the readers. it's overwhelming, but lovely and sometimes a little obscure for little old me.

something to work towards.... just like working for them someday.... a nerd can dream :)

browse their site if you have bookish tendencies and a minute to spare. it just might make even the least interested non-reader interested in picking up a book or two... but you dont have to take my word for it (oh LeVar Burton... you and your reading rainbow...)


snbjork said...

You know, sometimes I think I could be happy just living my life all by myself with endless good books to read (and movies, of course). Well, and maybe some snacks, too.

Nathan said...

I like looking at those lists too. Whenever I go to the bookstore I flip through the book "1000 books to read before you die," and I get really overwhelmed. I don't think there's enough time. Its also fun to see books I've already read that are on the list. Then I'm like, check, been there done that.

ashley said...

we are so into the library out here, you would be proud of us! i think i need to put together a my favorite books list for you, although it is all illustrated children's books. we have had some good ones lately!

The Prigmore Family said...

Ummm excuse me? Why is LOTR on there? That will seriously make Dan's life.