21 May 2009

evening adventures

thomas had a show... at hot topic of all places and it started at 7PM which is bubba's bedtime that we observe with the strictest religious devotion (and frankly i think that is why he is such a great sleeper)... but i figured "what the hey. we need another adventure." so we headed out: and call it pregnant emotion or whatever but the sun was setting all along the north shore and i couldnt get a good picture while driving, but i got all choked up: man, i love hawaii. to me there is no better place on earth. it was so beautiful i had to just cry a little and thank my heavenly father for letting me live here. and then laugh at myself... what a cry baby, but honestly i love this place so much. sure, i wish i lived closer to my family and many a close friend, but i cant imagine where we would go. we will undoubedtly leave someday.... but when and where... i dont even want to think about it.


we got to the show and ambrose was so so so excited and i am sure SO helpful as the guys were setting up:
he had been talking about "daddy, drums!" "watch daddy!" "marc, uncle tree tree (demitri) tars! (guitars)!!" the whole way there so seeing them in person with all their instruments was like a avid disney channel watcher meeting mickey mouse at disneyland for the first time.
echo and i realized we were wearing the same shirt. this happens frequently since we have been pregnant at the same time two times in a row now. we decided to take this photo:
which is a reenactment of the last pregnancy at the waiamea show:
anyway, the show was great and so much fun
but i think the free balloons from sabarro might have been ambrose's favorite part: oh yeah, that and seeing his real life hero in action. ambrose was in heaven!


Rach said...

That is an awesome pic of ambrose with the balloon watching Thomas. WHAT A COOL pic!! Awesome moments.

liko said...

yes, ditto rachel - that last pic is amazing. love it!!! and i really like the fact that you two preggos ended up wearing the same shirt - perfect photo op!! you two are so beautiful pregnant. can't wait to meet the little man.
and i don't want to even think about you all moving away, either...:-(

Megan and Keli'i said...

Steph, finished "THe Bell Jar"? I just did...what did you think?

echo said...

i love our preggo bellies!

modestmuse said...

Lol oh my gosh, that last pic is SO CUTE!!!! Everything about it is awesome, especially keeping in mind the imagery of the Disney fan at Disneyland haha! So wonderful to have such a great, real hero.

Molly said...

i love it! The kids were in awe at the last show and while we were watching them play I was telling eli all about how the drummer used to hold him as a baby and eli would just melt onto his shoulder and that I even think that because thomas used to hold eli that it's how little ambrose came to be! That made E's day!! They were looking all over the chapel the next sunday to catch a glimpse of Marc and Thomas.

Brittany said...

mmmmmmm..... Sbarro pizza, memories of the Oasis are flooding my mind:)