12 May 2009

start the countdown!

i didnt have my camera around for most of ben and ashley's visit for some reason... maybe they can put a blog up someday and show you what else we were up to.


playdate with shae. a good buddy who is potty trained... this has opened up an endless world of possibilities for ambrose who now asks to sit on the toilet all the time... but never actually does anything. oh well, good start little buddy. we will get serious about this in a few more months.... no rush.

alligator pond had the lowest tide i have ever seen yesterday. the water was like etched glass and there were a bunch of fish and crabs around for our viewing pleasure. we headed out and ended up picking up a few friends along the way- it made for a spontaneous and fun adventure.

more to come... like i said, we have an adventure planned everyday. tomorrow- outdoor play/picnic!


modestmuse said...

My heart aches for Hawaii! The beach looks so beautiful and the water so tempting. Fun!

liko said...


Smiths said...

I am pining over those perfect, glassy, low tide beach days. Thanks for the pictures.

I'm suprised you haven't poped yet-not in the rude way, but in the I thought you were due already way. You are a very cute pregnant lady and could pull that look off for as long as you want. Anyway, the real point I'm trying to make is that I'm so glad you are enjoying the little Ambrose one on one time. It's precious and his world is about to get rocked. The guilty for enjoying the new baby thing was my biggest strugle. It's so worth it though. Promise.

sheila said...

My heart aches too, like the first comment, for Hawaii. Can you believe I've never been to alligator pond?- I plan to do it the very day I get back.
Looking forward to your other count down activities!!

Brittany said...

i am LOVING Ambroses long hair.