22 June 2009

"oh. shorry doodoo!"

oh, yeah
this is what we hear a lot lately.

several weeks ago i noticed ambrose talking to and about "doodoo." we dont know who doodoo is, but apparently he has a house, he requires a lot of apologies, and he must be hilarious, because a lot of laughter ensues whenever he is around.

anyway, besides talking to ourselves and our imaginary friends- we are getting ready for ward camp this weekend (we are setting up our spot for during the day, but whether or not we are actually crazy enough to stay the night with both kids is still up in the air), getting ready to go to the mainland next week, and no doubt watching way too much caillou.


Melissa said...

I'm laughing at how fitting your song choice is for moms. it should be our theme song!

i love that he has an imaginary friend--keeps him busy right!?

I want to do a ward camp! it sounds fun!!! I still have your diaper thingy, I will bring it by today or tomorrow.

ashley said...

imaginary friend? that is hysterical!

and your my hero if you go to ward camp and try to sleep the night there!

oh, and ASHER IS FREAKING ADORABLE! love all the pics of him! love him!

lizzie said...

Oh I'm so jealous Ambrose has an imaginary friend! Another friend's daughter has a friend named Bad Guy and I really want Bad Guy to come visit us. Or maybe Doodoo. I think it would be so fun.

Ward camp . . . one of the things about Hawaii I sincerely miss. Not that we ever actually stayed for more than dinner.

sheila said...

yes, Caillou can be annoying. I got hooked watching that because it was the only thing or sound (his annoying voice) that soothed Kailani for a while.

I had an imaginary pet friend (dont remember, but my brothers and mom tell me I did). It was a pet mouse named mimi. haha.

Good luck with the flight to the mainland.

. said...

Damn girl you have some adorable little boys, I mean really!

liko said...

ugh, i totally forgot you guys are going to the mainland next week!! thanks for coming by today and providing some stimulation for us stuck peoples. i guess if i go really nuts i could try the bus...um, or i could just be patient and wait for the car to be fixed...
and please come again - we really enjoyed the visit!!! and i love holding and smelling asher. :-) so if you're up to it again, come on over!!!

melissa said...

yeah, really, i always wished i had an imaginary friend but was never so lucky. funny amby. and awesome little baby asher. i'm glad he's angelic.

kimball said...

Is there an age limit on this blog. Love the pictures of the boys and the music.

Shauna said...

All I have to say is: I'm so glad this post isn't about what I thought it was when I read the title!!!!

Anna K. said...

yay! You will already be here next week? Im so excited!