15 July 2009

funny phone fotos

we are home. tired. a little dizzy. but home. it was fun and relaxing.

we miss our cousins! here are some of them:

and amby got a short summer boyish cut from aunty britany.

real pictures to follow someday i am sure.


ashley said...

a hair cut? it is crazy how different people look when their locks get chopped off. i feel like you have a new son.

glad your back in the land of aloha and had a fun trip!

echo said...

so glad you guys are back. addy will be so happy to see ambrose again.
he looks so grown up with short hair. it looks super cute.

liko said...

oh, look at ambrose. he looks so much older!! still cute as ever! yay!! you're back!!!

melissa said...

that's what i'd like to call a big boy hair cut.