26 July 2009

oh auntie liko.......

a weekend sewing kimono shirt WITH heather ross fabric?!?!?!?!? what a dream.

you do good work friend. asher looked dashing in his present from you. we love you!


echo said...

k- so funny. i totally had gideon in his shirt today too and took a picture and was planning on putting it on my blog today.

liko said...

yay yay yay!!! you know what? i was so paranoid and was too afraid to ask the both of you if they even fit okay, i mean they're cute little shirts, but they are useless if they don't fit little ones decently. thank you!! and thank you asher for looking so dashing! cutie! i'm glad you can wear it!!!
thanks steph ;-)

liko said...

upon closer examination i see it isn't a perfect fit. room to grow. but thanks for making it look good, asher. :-)
and one of these days i will come over and go over what you missed in beginning sewing...if you even need to learn the material you missed!

Natalie said...

So cute! He has changed so much I feel a little sad. He is so precious!

laurel said...

oh, this is beyond dashing. What an extreeeemely BEAUTIFUL boy!

ashley said...

liko freaking rocks, that is all there is too it.

and the little one in the shirt is pretty freaking cute too!

ahh, i want to give him a kiss!

Melissa said...

sooo cute!!