20 October 2009

construction progress

I know some of my family has been asking about the construction and luckily my mother-in-law, Linda, has been going out and taking pictures after the workers leave most days and so we have visual proof of progress!

Here's the house as it was for many years:

and here it is after the demolition:

Goodbye carport roof and all those concrete stairs! Hope we didn't need any of our stuff that is stored in the apartment- hehe! (We can use a ladder if we get desperate for something.)

After all that destruction, work on the new addition stopped so the entire house could be retro-fitted with hurricane straps, and some ventilation to cool down the house. Basically a little improvement to keep the apartment from flying off the top of the house in the event of a natural disaster and some other just nice improvements in general.

Then it was back to work on the original project so they laid the foundation for new concrete in the area where the extended two-car carport will be (which will be the base of the two new bedrooms in our place) and the new concrete for the enclosed stairs, as opposed to the old stairs that were outside. It sure will be nice to not have to climb those stairs with two little babies in the rain!

As you recall, Ambrose assisted our contractor with this project! ;)

The new foundation for the carport and stairs after the concrete was poured:

And finally, they are framing things up now. So, as you look at these pictures you can start to see the roof of the carport- aka- the floor of our new bedrooms being framed and the support pillars for that and the little extra storage closet at the top of the new carport on the right.

I get so excited and just want things to be done already, but it is also fun to see your future living space coming together piece by piece.

We have picked up some new items for the place and are starting some really fun DIY projects too (many of them can be found on the links bar of my blog so feel free to create along with us!) so I will keep you posted on all that fun as it happens.


Matti said...

how stinkin' fun. I am so excited for you guys...so so excited.

J and Christy Brown family said...

It would be so fun to have a place call your own again, so excited for you guys hope to see in in person one day.

liko said...

it's so exciting to SEE progress, you know? woohoo!!!

Smiths said...

I'm so stoked for you guys. Not to sound like a huge ingreat, but I daydream about building our own place (even if it's attached to my inlaws-all the better in my opinion). I think we're all getting to the stage where we want to put down our roots. This is exciteing and I will be living through you for a while, if you don't mind.

Also, I'm in love with the sewing armour! I didn't know I needed it so much, but I totally do :)