1. Name: Sheila Rich

(image stolen from her facebook -heh heh)
2. Favorite type of sewing project: Easy ones. ha! but really, home decor or accessories- like toys, hair accessories, etc. I'm not that talented for a lot of "fashion" sewing projects
3. City you currently reside in: Kaaawa, HI
4. Hometown: Honolulu, HI
5. Family stats: One girl who is almost 2 , and one boy on the way (June 26 to be exact)... (yeah, that's how behind I am in posting these. She had her precious baby boy already and he is so cute!)
(stole this picture from her blog. ps- has anyone ever looked so good after just giving birth? my goodness woman.)
6. Machine you sew with: Nothing special. It gets the job done. I got it as a Christmas gift a few years ago. The brand is Brother.
7. Picture of the project you are currently working on: sorry, I don't have one. I need to start one.
8. Picture of a finished project you are happy with: (Even REALLY happy with. We'll take that too.) I don't have too many. This is the latest- a quiet book for my daughter.
9. Do you have an etsy site? yes, nothing to do with sewing though. What is it? Party Accessories Picture examples:

10. What fabric are you currently drooling over?: anything from this page
11. Sewing project you would most like to attempt but are admittedly frightened of or just need to learn more about: making a nice swimming suit.
12. Favorite online crafty blog that you draw a lot of inspiration from: thelongthread.com, purlbee.com, made (dana-made-it.com/ ), blog.craftzine.com, and sewmamasew, amongst others.
13. What sewing purchase are you saving your precious pennies for?: anything from here again
14. Online tutorial you plan to attempt: this lovely clutch

15. When and how did you learn to sew?: I am still learning but it started by watching my mother while growing up and picking it up from there -nowadays I usually have her guiding me on the phone as I go through a project. ha! I thought it was so old fashioned and uncool to sew or to wear something homemade when I was younger, but now I wish I would have paid more attention when she made things. I guess I started really sewing about 4 years ago when I got married. I was inspired to make some window curtains to replace the old ones we were given in good 'ol TVA.
16. Your biggest sewing disaster story: I'm not sure about the biggest, but the most reoccurring story is: getting the fabric, the pattern and everything cut out... then having it just sit there unstitched and unfinished. I think I have three girls dresses all cut out and ready to go. I just get intimidated.
17. Favorite sewing book: Don't have any, but ones I would like are: Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts, Heather Ross'- Weekend Sewing,

18. Sewing hero you look up to: my mother
19. Anything else that would be interesting or funny or lame or sa-weeeeet to share with all your society pals: umm... whenever I sit down to sew (or start any other project) I like to have a stash of M&M's and almonds in a bowl kept nearby. They keep me happy.
20. If you could nominate yourself for an officer in this most prestigious society- what would your title be?: hhmmm, maybe the TEA-FLAVOR-ORGANIZER as part of this "My Cup of Tea Sewing Society". bahaa.
I'm dying to try a swimsuit too!
wow. I feel so special.
thanks steph.
oh, and this months flavor is lemon. but skip the tea part and make it ice cold lemonade!!
I like the bowl of snacks nearby. That would help calm the soul when having to undo a seam or fix some other mistake!
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