10 December 2010

A suggestion for the in-laws...

Every Christmas Eve, no matter how large or small our numbers are, the Robertsons have sung and continue to sing The Hallelujah Chorus. Twice. Once for practice and once more with added gusto. I was timid about it when I first joined the family and last year Ambrose was joining in with great relish and artistic freedom on his new toy: and we had a grand old time. Anyway, I saw this amazing video on my friend Rachel's blog just now and at first I laughed and then I cried like a baby. Wow.

Should we attempt this performance this year Dale and Linda and Co? ;)

I wonder what Ambrose and Asher's reaction would have been sitting in that food court. I hope they wouldn't have choked on their corndogs and pizza.


melissa said...

yeah, wow, they were awesome. you guys should do that.

laurel said...

Stephanie, I know I only spent a limited amount of time with your children but can I just say, I really truely love them. I do. I feel this way every time I see a photo. Ambrose has that same openess and warmth that you do, like the kind that almost catches you off guard. In the best way of course.

boo face mcjones said...

Yes, amazing. But I was mostly interested in seeing who just kept trying to eat their lunch like this didn't bother them in the slightest. Kind of entertaining. You should post a video of your family's Hallelujah chorus performance this year. DO IT!

liko said...


Ashley said...

That was awesome.

.From Her. said...

It would be my dream come true, to have this happen to me.

Diana said...

oh the humanity! i cried too.

drob said...

Yea, let's do it. Wait, I think that I am busy that day. Maybe next year.