20 January 2007

7 months large and some days... oh yeah, and a mom hair cut

I got a hair cut the other day. It was supposed to just be a trim with a little shaping... I guess the hair dresser had her own ideas... I cried all that night (blame it on the hormones) because I was so proud of the fact that I wasn't one of those girls who cut off their long hair as soon as they became pregnant or as soon as they became a new mom. So, now I kind of have a day time television, bon bon eating, mom hair cut... but I am rollin' with it because what else can I do at this point? Welp, about seven more weeks to go until Ambrose is here to stay- HOORAY!


Natalie said...

I think your hair looks fine, but it is a change from what you had so that always takes a while to get used to. I can't believe you are getting so close!

melissa said...

ha, you're funny. you know, if you weren't pregnant and worried of becoming frumpmeister, you'd probably like your haircute. becauset that's just what it is: cute. you don't look like a mom.

melissa said...

not that moms are bad. of course.

Anonymous said...

you're beautiful and you're going to have to learn how to live with it.

my high school friends and i used to always joke about looking like "a mom." i find myself still making jokes like that and then i realize, "i am a mom."

then i think, will this always be an issue-ish, identity crisis sort of thing where i constantly try to look and dress younger than i am--because i'll be honest--i still shop in the juniors section....

what about when i realize i'm not only a mom, i'm a mom my daughter is embarrassed of...

okay, i know that if i want to just talk about myself, i should start my own blog--sorry about that---the point is:

i like your haircut. and i like being a mom. and i know you will too.

Stephanie said...

Haha- I love getting comments from you people. I laughed when you said you still shopped in the juniors section because the shirt I am wearing in these two photos is from the juniors section of Ross... of course it is a LARGE and in charge size :) but it is from the juniors section nevertheless. I wonder when I will stop wandering over there as well and thinking that those styles are closer to my tastes.

melissa said...

hey, also, are we too old to shop in the juniors section? i didn't know. geez.

the other day a lady at the post office asked me if i had kids and i was like "what, you mean like i could dress up like i do for halloween?" but then i realized ALL MY FRIENDS DO and it's not weird for them. and probably the only reason i don't is that i've vowed not to have any out of wedlock.

Roeckers said...

I think you look cute! That sure is an adorable belly you have.

You hair from the picture looks pretty good, I can't tell it is a bad hair do! But I can understand I went through the same thing in Nov. The lady said she was going to trim and give me a soft layer. Ha! Three inches later and one single very obvious layer later. My husband tried to play it down but it was evident it was a poor hair cut. I had to find some way of hiding it for a military ball we had t attend.

So go grab a tub of choco choco ice cream eat till you feel better and start to message your scalp to stimulate the rehair growth :)

laura said...

Hey Stephanie- I want to talk to you and am just wondering the best way to get ahold of you. Maybe I'll call Natalie right now. Talk to you later. Laura

Stephanie said...
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Ashley said...

You are totally crazy! Your hair looks really cute!

melissa said...

and congratulations on double-digit comments.

Natalie said...

Steph I need a new post from you please. :-)

Stephanie said...

I know- I have felt the nagging feeling for a couple days now that I should post something. :) I will take a camera with me today and post about my adventures tonight. That's a promise!

Ashley said...

I thought you just weren't posting so you would feel more popular by getting more comments.

melissa said...

i checked to see the new promised blog prematurely, apparently. so i'm adding to the deluge of comments here. maaaany of which are mine...

Stephanie said...

well, that too... :)