Ok, I finished reading Joanne Harris' novel Chocolat around New Years (you may have seen the movie- if not go get it- it is great) and it gave me kind of a fun idea. I got this recipe book for our wedding in August 2004 and I have never attempted anything in it because it just looked too hard and scary. Well, after reading all the delicious descriptions in Harris' novel, I got a little inspired to try out the recipes in my cookbook and to try and use this new talent to interact with others and show others that I am thinking of them (just like Vianne in the novel). So, I bought all the ingredients for the very first recipe, "Nut Rocha." I made Walnut Rocha and so far I think it turned out. I wasn't sure when the caramel would reach the hard crack stage and felt nervous about that so I invested in a really good candy thermometer and I am so glad I did because the whole time the caramel was bubbling I was thinking to myself, "It's not done yet?" or "I better check the temperature again, it's sure to be done." So, the thermometer turned out to be a great reassurance in the end and I am glad that I got it. Hopefully by the end of this cook book experience I will be such an expert that I will just know by touch or some other divine sense that the caramel is done- until then I am being cautious and precise. Now the Walnut Rocha is cooling for several hours so the jury is still out on whether or not it is actually going to be any good, but I feel like I accomplished something and I feel more confident in my candy making skills. Like I said, I am starting with the very first recipe and working my way through the book. The first section is cookies and candies. So my next adventure lies in the second recipe in the book: Champagne Truffles. I can use whipping cream instead of champagne of course. I know, I'm wild. :) Now I just have to decide who I am going to give my Walnut Rocha to after Thomas and I sample it of course!
Here is the amazing cook book in all its glory:

This is what the finished product should look like according to the book:

This is my lovely new candy thermometer:

And here is my Walnut Rocha cooling in the pan. After a few hours of this I will break it into pieces that look like the photo in the book and then it will be devoured by some lucky or maybe unfortunate people. We shall see!
OK, I was looking at your blog when this new post appeared. It was a delightful, startling thing. I didn't know Chocolat was a book too. (I always feel dumb saying that.) I'll probably read it. Your choco-rocko looks perfect.
you are perfect :) <3
I want to try some of it! Let us know how it went.
I sure will. Hey Natalie and Melissa- check it out- I finally sat down and figured out how to link others to your page and so now you are linked to my page. :)
yeah i love what you've done with the place. and i'm so glad to see becca's pictures! i'm glad you've connected our eyes to others. you're great.
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