30 January 2007


Please enjoy two new posts chronicling the adventures of my day today. It was a good one.

I started off the day chubby, polka dotted, and ready to go!

Kristen was really excited to take me to The Baby Emporium where we looked for many things, bought many things, and had a grand old time.

This kind worker helped the two pregnants load all the goods into the car. You should have seen the nervous/awkward look he gave me after he realized I was photographing him doing his job. He probably thought I was a really weird tourist or something.

Here is the super neat car seat! (Yes, those are polka dots, so awesome.)

Oh yeah, and the fabulous stroller to match. It's not from Walmart, it's not generic, it's not plaid, it doesn't have Pooh and Tigger on it. I couldn't be more delighted, honestly. Thanks Mom.


Natalie said...

Love the polka dotted shirt, stroller, and car seat. How fun to go get your baby stuff!

Roeckers said...

I love the colors on hte car seat. I have put sage green and aqua blue in Rainey's room.

You have great taste

Stephanie said...

Why thank you! Rainey, by the way, is such a cute name!

star said...

I know what you mean about the classic Walmart strollers that everyone has...very cute choice!

Stephanie said...

gracias mi amiga!

melissa said...

and one time someone said something about how everyone thinks all babies LOVE winnie the pooh. they don't, there's no way all of them love it. your baby won't have to make that choice.

Ashley said...

I am so glad you didn't have to buy one of those ugly strollers that we saw when I was there.

Stephanie said...

me too me too

Anonymous said...

Very cute stroller. You are welcome.

laura said...

I love that stroller!! What brand is it??

Stephanie said...

The brand is called "Combi." It is supposed to be a good stroller for its features- like the light weight material and the fact that it's water proof- but my questions is- aren't all strollers water proof for the most part?

diana palmer said...

the only thing that could make that stroller and carseat cuter is a little baby named ambrose riding inside---or thomas riding inside---or thomas AND ambrose, wearing polka dots---i jest of course

Stephanie said...

Well, Thomas has been testing them out it and it has been very very cute...jk, maybe.