I have three more weeks until Ambrose is born and I feel really happy about the fact that life has been busy while I wait. I have a ton to do at work right now and other things in life seem to fill up the time nicely. At the beginning of the week I got to practice my mommy skills by babysitting for Laura Skinner- a family friend from Bakersfield. She was visiting BYUH for an alumni conference and I watched her baby boy Blake for two days. It was a really sweet little experience for me to be watching a little baby so close to my due date. It also helped that he is one of the easiest and sweetest babies I have ever met. Then of course, Wednesday was Valentines Day. Thomas got me the cutest card and wrote the most beautiful things inside of it- just what I need to hear right now. He also gave me like the longest massage ever- just what my achy big whale body needed! He's a good guy. I made him "the dinner of his dreams." Really I just told him to pick like five things he wanted and I would try and make it happen. This is a big deal for us since I like NEVER make anything anymore. Then this weekend, we TORE OUR APARTMENT APART!!!! We re-organized everything to make room for a crib and all the baby stuff we have so far and everything looks SO MUCH BETTER in here. WAY less cluttered and just more...open. Who knew? I thought when we went to put up all the baby stuff it would look more cluttered- but we just thought everything through and used all the space efficiently. I give Thomas 85% of the credit for it- he's great at this sort of thing. Now, I have another week of work and getting ready for the baby to look forward to- but more importantly- MY BABY SHOWER!!! on Saturday!!! Diana is throwing it so I know it will be a stylish affair. She's such a grand friend. Last piece of exciting news- last night I had some kind of big contractions. I wasn't sure what it was at first- Thomas had to assure me that that's what it was. I got uncomfortable lying down during like the third one- so I got up to take a shower and it lasted all throughout the shower and after too... a friend at church assured me this is a good thing. I had a few more during the night, but when since I've been up for the day there hasn't been any action aside from the active child inside. Hopefully he will come sooner than later. :)
The sweetie pie Blake

Just playing around

My awesomely romantic card

the crib with a car seat inside and the rocking chair

You're invited to a Baby Shower!
I want to come to the baby shower. Maybe I will...
Oh Nat- don't tease me!!! :)
How exciting! Only three more weeks? WOW how time flies. For me the last month is the longest time of my life. Hopefully for you it will fly by and you will be holding your little one in no time at all.
We are anxiously awaiting the news of your new arrival.
I just love how the two of you can utilize every square inch of your apt. so well. What did you do with the table or desk that used to be where the crib is now? It looks very great and ready for a new addition!
Oh, it used to be Thomas' dresser- you're right. It was also his little corner where he kept this shelf thing with all his school books, MSW stuff, two guitars, an accordion, and a keyboard. Now those things are strategically placed elsewhere. You will see when you come I guess.
Dag, I want to come to Diana's fete for you.
I say to you, Natalie, and all others- abandon all reason and come to my shower! do it! do it! do it!
It's been bugging me not to have the circumflex in fĂȘte on my previous comment. Phew, there it is.
Finally! :)
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