06 April 2007

Pictures by popular demand!

The handsome daddy having a stressful week- he helped so much he got a little behind in other areas of life so is getting things together now as he finishes his last semester as a masters student at UH.

The fat rolls up close...there's plenty more- trust me.

The fist!

Ambrose had to have some naked tummy time in order to air out a majorly painful diaper rash... no one tells you about such painful things when you are gushing about how fun it would be to have a baby.

This is the funniest picture because he likes to lay in this position all the time and I am positive he did this in the womb as well. I would always feel the outstretched arm and elbow.


melissa said...

that fist picture is genius

Natalie said...

He already looks bigger! I hope Thomas has caught up on all his stuff. It sounds like he is a very attentive dad to Ambrose.