01 July 2007

diaper commercial emotion

last night i was reflecting on what thomas and i were doing a year ago. i had basically just found out that i was pregnant and i was a mess and excited and nauseated a little and i had no idea what it would be like to be a mom. i thought so many things that just make me laugh now, but i think everyone can claim that about themselves at one point or another- lack of foresight or experience. now i have a big, loud, demanding, cute, chubby bundle of personality named ambrose and i cant ever get anything done or go anywhere for too long or have anything go according to plan, but i don't know what i would do otherwise.

oh yeah, he rolled over today for the first real time from his tummy to his back and he looked shocked and really pleased with himself after. he could have also been startled because of my loud cheering (it's my first child- these things fascinate me to no end).

anyway, what a difference a year makes. i wonder where we will be next year and what we will be doing and what will make me laugh about my life now.

last story before bed- just to illustrate what a sap i am and how this child puts me in check: a little while back, there was something on tv about being a parent. it was probably a diaper commercial or something equally ridiculous. it had touching music and tender little scenes of a mother and baby bonding, the child was cooing and smiling and the mom looked like she had just gotten done with a day at the spa after teaching her yoga class (so who'd she leave the baby with? oh yeah, and her nanny must have also been up with the infant all night long...etc)... anyway, it was perfect and touching to say the least. i got a little teary eyed as i was nursing ambrose and watching this gushy commercial. i thought of the love i was experiencing and feeling for him and just as i was about to let this flood of emotion whisk us away into our own sentimental commercial i looked down at my sweet baby boy- his soft, fuzzy head, sweet, puffy cheeks, pudgy little hands- just in time for his rotund little middle finger to pop up- giving me the bird.

i laughed so hard that it broke his concentration, awaking him from his dreamy nursing session and he screamed his head off. that diaper commercial didn't hold a candle to our touching moment.


boo face mcjones said...

that was the best baby story of all time. he's definitely got a little of his mom in him, eh?

Stephanie said...

yep- he looks like thomas- but he's got my sass and that's what counts!

kimball said...

Keep the pictures and stories coming.

Ashley said...

Ambrose is so cute. I love seeing him in his little chair. He seems to have gotten fatter than the last time you posted pictures.

melissa said...

i'm glad that story ended up the way it did.

Ali said...

I was fillng up with tender emotion as I read your description of that tender moment... there's nothing like a sudden burst of gas (or the 'bird') to enhance such a moment!! ha ha ha - great pictures.

Luisa said...

Perfect ending...I love Ambrose's personality already!