09 November 2007



Ambrose is starting to really get this crawling/scooting thing down. He keeps creeping along, tempted by things he isn't supposed to get into.


melissa said...

kind of like a jr. high kid

Stephanie said...

oh no, you just made my pulse race. it's starts now. i will forever lose sleep.

Carrie said...

I liked the post but I liked the comments even better! Banks (8 months nearly) is not showing any signs of movement, so yay for ambrose! As for the losing sleep, I can honestly say I have had many a freak out session trying to figure out what I would do in a hypothetical teenage situation with the two year old. I figure this is like saying no to drugs though: If I figure it out now the answers to the teenagers will come automatically... right?

Carrie said...

Although I should mention that mostly the answers amount to locking him into his windowless bedroom at the top of the tallest tower until he is 30.

Roeckers said...

Very exciting!
He is growing up too fast. Super cute.

melissa said...

ha, carrie, maybe jr. high won't be the same by the time these chaps are old enough for it. maybe it will be a beautiful place where everyone is nice to each other and obeys their parents.

boo face mcjones said...

wait, most junior high kids don't spend their time in total isolation in their parents' house?
that's weird...

Natalie said...

Can I just say again how excited I am to see Ambrose, oops I mean you guys, in a few weeks!!

Stephanie said...

heehee! same here! tell bucky... uh, i mean brody and mom and dad that we cant wait to see you guys as well. ;)

kimball said...

Go Ambrose!

Ashley said...

Ambrose is so cute. I agree I am so excited to see him...oh I mean you all in a few weeks.