18 August 2008

after a two and a half month exercise hiatus

i'm back on the wagon
and it felt really nice to trot alongside the beautiful kamehameha highway this morning and see the shining ocean and greenery all around me.

and now for a look into conversations i get to enjoy with thomas on a regular basis-- it happened as i was typing this and so i hurried to copy down the quote for fear of forgetting it someday.

t: (looks into the sink as he's finding some food to take on the road) these dishes didnt fit in the dishwasher?

s: nope, there were so many of them,, every last inch covered....

t: if the dishes were hair then the dishwasher would be gaston

s: huh?

t: (said in a "duh" tone) every last inch of him is covered in hair

s: (in my head, "oh beauty and the beast") yeah, like that.

we understand each other :)


echo said...


star said...

This sounds very similar to a Jeff and Star conversation. We are always making hair jokes. I love that whole "understanding each other" thing.

Thomas said...


Lisah said...

That is funny! Just wait until a few more years pass!

ashley said...

that was some quick disney thinking, so funny!

oh, and i thought/think that you were/are super cool (in regards to your comments about nanc's engagement). glad the feeling are mutual.

modestmuse said...

Good for you. You should do the Honolulu Marathon!

stef j. said...

ha ha!

diana palmer said...

just laughing. you are each one of a kind, which means together, you're something really weird and really wonderful.