20 June 2009

somebody's been acting like a real punk lately....

and it's not this guy:

although he has been demanding more food lately, but at least that is something i can help him with.... anymore guesses?

ding ding ding! this guy:

today felt like the longest day of our young lives. thomas and i took turns having and losing patience with our spirited (whiny) little two year old. it didnt help that he didnt nap until waaaaaaay late in the day.... ah, i can laugh about it now that he is trapped in his room (with a new door knob and baby proof knob on the door) crying "get out da crib" (fyi: this doesnt even make sense since he no longer sleeps in his crib and has been slumbering in a "big boy bed" for a couple of days now due to the fact that he discovered a way to fling his chubby body out of said crib....)

anyway, it's a good thing he is so cute and lovable. he or we may not have survived the day otherwise. :) good night.


Christina said...

I'm sorry to hear you're having a difficult time but I can TOTALLY relate! I hope it gets better soon for ya!

Smiths said...

Oh man, I want to cry about some of the explosions I unleashed on Taj after I had Eden. Ugh. I was a stressed, emotional, recovering Mom. He didn't deserve it THAT bad even though he was pushing my buttons and not listening to me. My point though is that we made it through, I was tough, but consistant. I guess that's just how little people learn boundries, and crazy Moms deal with it. He still loves me and Eden knows to say "time out" when Taj throws a fit. YOu're not alone and it will get much better. Much much MUCH better.

star said...

That's a great picture of Ambrose. It should be in his wedding video someday.

You can handle this. You can. You will.

liko said...

thanks for letting me see the boy via the web. love it. all these pictures are soooo great, even the amby in the bath ones. and you know what? my kids no longer take naps. since summer began. it's very very sad...for me. if they do nap they end up not going to bed til very very late and mommy is not very happy when THAT happens. and no fixed car yet...hopefully next week sometime. keep your fingers crossed!!! i am!!

liko said...

and once amby accepts the fact that asher is here to stay and ain't goin' nowhere, he will mellow out and be the bestest big brother and they'll be good buds. soon, my dear. realy soon.

Alli said...

Dang Steph, you make cute babies.

Hailey, Brandon & Connor said...

They are both so cute! Good luck with the adjustment!

Brittany said...

I am cheering right now.... new doorknob and lock. GO STEPH! Way to solve it.

Audra said...

His hair cracks me up! It is so long! I bet it would be hard to go from only child to big brother. Hopefully things will get better soon!

Matti said...

Eden and Taj's mom said it...you aren't the only Mom to feel crazy. some days are great...some days are not. But, we get through it. Love ya! And you can still use my house. :-)