28 September 2009

the love affair continues

seen: ambrose roaming the house at any given point of the day, conducting his usual business of charlie and lola watching, bike riding, and block building--but with a large starfruit in various forms of consumption clutched in his chubby fists- juice running down his arms onto whatever surface he is treading.

heard: "twinkle twinkle little star...fruit!!!" over and over and over.

what will he eat and sing about when the season is over???? :)


The Prigmore Family said...

What a sweet little song from a sweet little boy. Gotta love it!

melissa said...

ha. maybe you'll have to teach him a song about bread or something that never goes out of season.

sheila said...

he. is. so. cute!
and getting so big.

Megan and Keli'i said...

Maybe...popcorn popping? He's cute. Dang cute.

Roeckers said...

At least you aren't fighting him to eat his fruits!
Tell him I am jealous and to eat one more for me today!

snbjork said...

He is so cute! We had a starfruit with dinner tonight in his honor (I paid $1.99 for the darn thing)! I should say that Evelyn ate a starfruit and let me and Barry have a slice, too. I think she and Ambrose would be friends if they knew each other.

Can you believe how big he is already??