26 September 2009

happy heartaches

seven o'clock rolls around and i cant seem to get ambrose to bed fast enough. i'm tired, worn down, and ready to unwind without a two year old dictating my actions for a few hours. and then a little time passes, inevitably i am on the computer for one reason or another, and usually i end up here:

clicking through images of my boys and longing to hold them and pinch their soft mochi cheeks and soak up their curious, needy, precious selves.

i miss them. me and thomas dont check on ambrose as much as we used to once he's in bed. he's a big boy now and we have a baby monitor to keep track of all the unusual sounds anyway, but we love to review all the cute things ambrose said to each of us all day and laugh about how smart and precious he is. then we marvel over asher and how sweet and easy he is.

thomas is off playing the drums in town again and so i am talking to myself tonight: laughing about how ambrose told me very seriously about all the things we did today and included unexpected details, how out of his monstrous storybook collection he has singled out the kids book of mormon and become fascinated with all the stories and keeping track of characters and details, how he cleverly changes lyrics in songs to hilariously fit the situation just like his daddy does, and how he still loves to eat at least seven pieces of fruit a day minimum.

asher has had me worried today with fevers and gnawing and has been uncharacteristically sad so i am thinking he is working on his first tooth. boo. a) he's not allowed to grow up and b) i hate to see him uncomfortable. he's such a pleasant peach. it just seems too cruel.

anyway, i'm loving my little boys. and i better go get some sleep since my partner in crime will be understandably tired tomorrow morning after his late night show- so it will be up to me to rise and shine with the sweeties- but i wanted to say goodnight, happy birthday dad, and i love you all..... i'm off to snuggle with asher. :)


Thomas said...

"Twinkle twinkle little bear, how I da da Am-BRose go outside"

echo said...

ditto. i am right there with you sister. on all of it.

Mariko said...

7 o'clock! I need to get my girl on that schedule.
Yeah. Even after a particularly bad day Jake and I just sit around and talk about how cute she is. And then I get on my blog and complain about her. Blah.

Carrie said...

Uh, how can Asher be getting a tooth? Isn't he like 5 days old?

And yes, yes, yes. I wish I could just publish all of your words on my blog because I always feel the same way but could never articulate it as you do, professor.

Also, when I have the same title on my blog 3 days after you've posted something would you kick me please. haha I swear it's totally subconscious copying.

ashley said...

ha, once my girls are in bed, there is no way i check on them except before i go to sleep, they have been getting up enough when i put them down i know what they are up to and after they are down i am done! bed time...

and a tooth for asher? no. i love the pics of him in the little bouncy thing- esp that last one it's so cute for some reason!

laurel said...

Suddenly it seems like so long since I have been able to "visit you" by which I mean your blog of course. I like the title of this post, Happy Heartaches. I relate to it. Now I have to get back and plan for my next class since I ran out of time this weekend between going to a wedding, trying to clean (my disgustingly dirty) new apartment and move in (though I'm still only halfway moved in- as well as plan for my first week of classes, which by the way I'm loving! The kids are so so so precious! I want to hug and kiss them all constantly and tell them I love them but I try to refrain some since this is only my first day of teaching... haha. Anyway, so curious about how your classes are going... lots of love and I loved how you said "I love you all" because it includes me!

liko said...

not a tooth already! i do that too, think about how wonderful my munchkins are and then i get up outta bed and go snuggle with them in theirs and kiss their cheeks and cuddle them and whisper into their ears how much i love them.
it completes my day.

Tara said...

you are so good at documenting every sweet little detail. i wish i had your skills ;)

The Prigmore Family said...

There is nothing more beautiful then a sleeping babe. I LOVE watching choob sleep. My thoughts exactly. I love you and your blog and your babies. mwahh!