03 October 2009

and now for some awkwardness!!

everyone has such lovely photos on their blogs. me included. we all sit so nicely with our hair just-so and our smiles at an appropriate angel of outward happiness. it's as if we are saying, oh me, i just hang out in front of my photobooth all day with my hair perfectly coiffed, looking like i just finished my latest folk album... it aint no thing. honestly. i have a bunch of those pictures. and so do you. i've seen them! :) anyway, i was looking through our lightroom archives and laughing at all the awkwardness that has escaped public documentation somehow. like this one:

nice family portrait minus distracted belly baring toddler and old sleepy eyes back there.
ambrose and i have a knack for awkwardness:

some of those just exude hilariousness because i was hugely pregnant and while we are on the subject could someone please tell the pregnant lady to refrain from bent over postures while "with child":

awkward. it almost has the same charm as an overgrown toddler wearing only a diaper:

everyone always thinks he's three going on four when he just turned two and a half. so these particular shots are just hilarious to me. big old awkward baby. and while i am at it, how does one go from sweet and precious:

to sultry elvis in a matter of nano-seconds? awesomely awkward. thank goodness for the digital age. capturing everything.
even precious asher isnt immune. newborns can be hard to capture sometimes since they cant control like any of their muscles:

or control their overzealous mothers that photograph their chins at unflattering angels:
baby rolls and chins are far from awkward though so he's pretty safe for now.

but what about thomas. he seems too sensible for an awkward photograph. well, since he does most of the photographing in the family he may be safe too, but every once in a while the ghost of his face appears in our camping pictures, haunting the trees, and all the sleeping families below:

awkward. :)


diana palmer said...

ahh that was a good time. thanks for the laughs.

Rachel said...

bff! go look at our old classmate Amber on my blog!! ps. thanks for putting up these great photos.

liko said...

how crazy is that last one!?

love the sultry elvis one. and the diaper that is about to fall off! haha!!

thanks for making me smile!


lizzie said...

Hahaha. The Elvis one is my favorite, followed closely by the overgrown toddler in the diaper.

Kahilau said...

haha! AWESOME! I will have to reveal our awkward photos someday! MAYBE!!!!

Rach said...

love it...totally LOVE IT!!! makes me feel so normal.

Mariko said...

EVERY picture of me is awkward. Which is why none of them exist publicly. (99% of them have me with my eyes half closed which either makes me look stoned or dead because I only have the whites of my eyes.)
Recently my student took one of me and then posted it up on my whiteboard the next day.
Everyone got a good laugh. I was feeling generous so I let it stay up the whole day.
And the next day I took it down.
Not funny enough for me.

Brittany said...

my favorite post ever...

ashley said...

horray for awkwardness! i love all those pics, thank heaven for 1,000's digi photos that reveal just who we all are! ;) actually, i usually get rid of the worst ones of me and keep everyone elses- ha ha!