07 November 2009

thankful for my jobs

teaching eng 101, sec 2 is a special little hobby of mine. a time where i can reconnect with the old geeky literary version of myself and enjoy helping my students see how they can find themselves in the pieces we are reading. i feel like the lord knew that waiting for the apartment to be done would be an exercise in patience for little-old-impatient-me and so he gave me a little treat to help keep life moving and busy in the form of this teaching opportunity.

when it is done on december 16th i will be sad because i truly have enjoyed it, but there will be some relief too. i have another job, i think you know what i am referring to, the one that involves the raising of two little pups named ambrose and asher. i am looking forward to slowing down and dedicating even more time to these two and not having anything extra to distract me. this fleeting time with my babies is precious.

admittedly the extra money each month has been pretty awesome and we have set it aside for purchases like these:

glad to be able to have it through such enjoyable means, but i must say, given the choice i would take the chubby toddler in the middle over the fancy rug surrounding him any day of the week.

today i am thankful for my jobs: one for now and the other for eternity.


j,d and little b said...

LOVE that rug!!!

liko said...

yep, loving the rug!

and i know what you mean about the boy in the middle.

so awesome that you have that job you enjoy and things are working out for ya'll!!

Carrie said...

I WAAAAAAANT THAT RUUUUUGGG. That makes me wish I had a job for the first time in years. :) Tell ambrose to take an extra roll on if for me.

Hema and Becky said...

Cute rug, cuter boy! Yes this eternal job of mommyhood is a blessing!

laurel said...

I've never thought an interest in literature was geeky.