The funeral is this Saturday in Provo so Ambrose, Asher and I will leave Thursday afternoon and Thomas will join us for our regularly scheduled mainland trip about a week later.
I am sad because he was truly a wonderful person and I will miss him dearly, but mostly just very relieved that he won't be in so much pain anymore and that he can finally reunite with my grandma after six and half years of separation.

He was a courageous Marine who was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed, he was an example to our whole family as he served an honorable mission with my grandmother when I was little, he managed the Church ranch in Florida for many years, he helped too many people to count, he always said, "Sure glad to see this pretty girl" and gave me a scruffy Grandpa Hawkins kiss each time I saw him (even if it was at the end of a 10 hour drive to see him when I sure didn't feel too pretty until he said it), he raised a large, happy, successful family in righteousness and now he has endured to the end (just like I remember him teaching me about in FHE when I was little) and completed his mission here on earth.
When I think about the greeting he must be enjoying this very minute I want to shout for joy and throw away every part of me that is lazy, sinful, and petty because we all have a lot to look forward to if we do this life right and there isn't a moment to lose.
Of course, to that I know Grandpa Hawkins would wink at me and say with that sly grin, "You'll get old too... if you live long enough!"
To one of the last true cowboys: thank you so much for your lifelong example! Thanks for the tall tale bedtime stories, for not getting mad when I misplaced your tough guy cowboy boots in the basement when I was nine, for teaching me to ride a horse and for always making me feel loved. I will miss you tremendously. I love you.
Sorry to hear about your grandpa :(. I can't believe he was at Pearl Harbor...that is hard core.
Have a good time on the mainland!
sounds like a great man! so sad to see the good ones go, but he must be so so happy right now! glad you get to go for the funeral!
Aw Steph, your words are so beautiful =) Im sorry for your loss. I remember our little moments when we would swap stories about our grandparents-- your grandpa hawkins and my great-grandma. They were so similar in their desire to be with their spouses again. Im sure you'll miss your letters to each other, but he'll be there waiting for you! He must be sooo happy right now =) Love you sister! Let me know if you need any help with anything.
I am looking forward to seeing you! What a reunion it will be to honor such a great man.
What an amazing Grandfather, Stephanie! I'm sure his funeral will be a special experience for you and your family. Travel safely and enjoy your family!
very well said! see you this weekend then before we head out to denver!!
Thanks Steph for that tribute to my dad.
I'm sorry for you and your families' loss Stephanie. Sounds like he lived a good long life. He is lucky to be so loved and have such a legacy through his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!
I'm sorry to hear this, but at the same time, what a great tribute to a great man! Safe travels and love to your family.
oh man, i have missed so much. i have been anti computer since i left hawaii. i am so sorry to hear about this. i know you were very close to him. so consider this my virtual hug and maybe tomorrow night i can give you a real one. it is so cool that you get to go to the funeral. good luck on the flight.
I'm so sorry about your grandpa. It's never fun to lose a loved one. I hope that you have a good trip to the mainland!
HOpe you had safe travels. Hope the opportunity you guys have to honor such a great man is truly memorable! So were the neighbors on the plane on a sugar high by the time you finished handing out the candy? just curious! What a great idea though, I could have used that for the sweet girl Camden kicked every 5 minutes while sleeping all the way across the ocean on the way home.
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