We love your magnificent new home.
Being with you guys is always a huge highlight of our trips- with much So You Think You Can Dance watching going on, and delicious food, and hilarious conversation.... oh and as shown above, tons of cute cousin time too.
We are amazed with your patience as you await the arrival of your baby girl (this week!!!). If I had to be on bedrest since May... I am not sure how I would do it. You have survived! You are so strong and will be able to make it through the recovery ahead just how you have gotten through the rest and we will all be amazed as we always are. Thanks for being good examples of patience. I need that.
Thanks for living in Vegas so we can see you easily too.
We love you and good luck this weekend!
We'll be praying for you,
your family in Hawaii
wow. i am getting really cranky about being pregnant. if i had been on bedrest since may i'd probably be a monster. good luck to mom & baby!
rest assured I am looking at and loving each of these photos, and reading every word...thus there is not enough time to comment on each post. But we love you...we missed you...glad you are back, and I am glad you had fun!! Disneyland is THE BEST with a 3 year old. So happy you got to go. Let's go together when our next set is 3!!
Thanks steph! We are counting down...
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