05 August 2012

Pinterest Night Returns!

We took a vote via text and it was nearly unanimous: Fri 8/17 @8PM!

This gives you a little under two weeks to find something you've always wanted to bake, sew, craft, photograph, design, cook, learn to do...etc. and DO IT!

Bring it to share if you can!

It was so much fun last time and here's some bad quality photos from my phone to prove it:

So come one come all!  Make something and bring a friend, or don't make anything and bring no one!  Or do some combination of that.  See you there!


Janneke said...

How fun!! I might have to steal this idea because I can't be there. ;)

The Pixton Family said...

I've seen the melted crayons on Pinterest and would love to try it.

Matti said...

for some reason, my message wasn't posted the other night. But, i was telling you that I was sad that I couldn't be there at pinterest night. And I stayed up till 3 in the morning sewing something the other day thinking about you gals. And I took of picture of me to text to you, and I don't have your phone number in my new phone(same old number though). So, I need you to text it to me. And then I wanted to ask you to have all the gals at pinterest night text me there numbers cause I don't have anyones numbers anymore. But I missed that boat. So, please at least send me your number. cause i miss you. and you need to see the picture of me with my iron cause I took the photo 10 times before I got one I was willing to share. ;-)