02 December 2008

these guys are always so great

the economy is getting me down lately. so, until that is all figured out and resolved we have to do something else besides worry and this is what we did tonight: visited our old pals jermaine and bret! just watch it- the whole thing. you might die laughing. maybe you might. i did. good night.

this is from their act they take on the road. their show is hilarious... not for all audiences, but hilarious. enjoy.


Roeckers said...

That was awesome! I loved it! Not for all audiences? How so?

I also had someone show me this one yesterday. It's a great film about life and happiness. It's almost as though there's a great movement occurring to make people stand up and believe in humanity. The film is called Validation and it's about 16 minutes. It's a great watch.

Thanks for sharing this one. It started my day off right!


melissa said...

hey, thanks. true story about a honeymooning couple: we bought this cd for our driving around northern ca. and on the last day when the honeymoon was becoming slightly less honeymoooney (we got lostish and had to drive a long way and i was hungry...bad combo), we thought what would make us feel better? they say laughter does, so we popped in the cd and not only were we laughing at the songs, but we felt giddy again. thank you, my conchord friends. and you, stephanie.

Stephanie said...

jake- if you watchg their hilarious show flight of the conchords you'll see that all songs are hilarious but not all are apporpriate for all audiences... even if they are still hilarious so i just wanted to warn those who might go rent season one and be offended.

mellie- your welcome and we are kindred spirits

Rachel said...

p.s. ballet shoes isn't the most amazing movie, but they have great clothes and it looks pretty......but I don't need to explain myself, because we think the same about 'marie antoinette'

Stephanie said...

totally- i get you! :)

sheila said...

those guys are always great. I hope you don't get too down. Just eat something good you like- you can, you're pregnant.

stef j. said...

oh heavens ... SO hilarious.

thank you thank you thank you. was having a bit of a not-exactly-so-good day. and now i'm just happy that i don't have the monkey disease.

. said...

We're talking bout the issues but keeping it funky. Have you seen the business socks one? Gross, and hilarious. Or the David Bowie spoof... mahahah

Stephanie said...

i made thomas watch all the david bowie clips on youtube with me one night and we were loving watching them over and over.

and sometimes i see a little mike in jermaine... so i'll think of you two the next time we watch "it's business time..." ehh... jk :)

. said...

yeah, time not socks. yes I see a bit of mike too, must be the glasses and brown hair.