13 February 2009


these days seem full of toddler antics and i love it. we have fun, we make a mess, we read, we sing, we learn new words, we play.
Bears attack with love.
Silly Face
O Bears!
tonight we were reading him eric carl's "i can do it" where you are supposed to do things the animals do. bubba saw the flamingo on the back page and without any prompting, and with the balance of the side of his crib, held his leg up over and over for us to see saying, "i dooooooo it!!"
sometimes this stage seems so sweet and perfect to me that i want to eat him up. i like being his mom.


echo said...

my favorite part is the drool coming off of his little chiny chin chin. i love it.
and yes, i agree this stage is so much fun!!!

lizzie said...

I'm curious about Ambrose's favorite songs. Simon currently loves "Once I was a Baby," "The Wheels on the Bus," "How much is that Doggie in the Window" and anything about Jesus or Joseph Smith. (Mostly I just need more ideas. I can only sing them all so many times before I start feeling like a broken record.)

Kahilau said...

This is by far my favorite stage. They are so much fun. He sounds like tons of fun and you truly sound so happy! Thank you for reminding me how fun being a mother is! Ezra loved that book at this stage too. He still can't get enough of it!

ashley said...

k- that picture of him making a kissy-face is the best! seriously, so good.
toddlers are the best. you gotta take the good with the bad, but the good wayyyyyy out weighs the good. they are so eager to learn, so fun to be with, so forgiving, so innocent, and pretty much perfect. i like you being his mom too, and i think you do i fine job if it!

you guys use only lightroom to edit? your pics always look great. i love them!

melissa said...

we like his shirt steph, and nate says we've seen it somewhere before. where did you get it?

Stephanie said...

we got it at old navy like a day after we found out we were having a boy. i was reeeeally excited! it was a happy day once he could finally fit into it. :)

laurel said...

anxious to see the valentine!!

Matti said...

Glad you are enjoying the bread recipe so much!! And, after we saw you at the beach Eden gave herself an owie to match Ambrose. That's how much she loves him. Fell right off the slide at TVA, and gave herself 2 scrapes under her eye and 1 on her forehead...just like A. At first the sores on her eye looked like she had a black eye. By the night they were just scrapes. Anyway, such cute photos of Amby. Such a sweetie pie he is!! Lets play this week!

stef j. said...

i love this post ... i read it 3 or 4 times with a different emotion oozing its way out each time, ending on whimsical.