13 February 2009

24 weeks

here you go mama.

and i am attempting to make something for thomas for valentines day. it could be really great or maybe it will just be sad. let's hope not. either way... it's the thought that counts right?


meg fee said...

you look beautiful!

The Prigmore Family said...

What a Beauty you are.

laurel said...

awe... beautiful's the word.

sheila said...

You really have that GLOW all around you.

And like the above three people have said, I have to agree.
You do look beautiful

ashley said...

whenever i would put pictures of my belly on my blog my mom would get grossed out, she is weird like that and does not like looking at belly's. i on the other hand, think your super cute! and i want to see what you make- i am a valentines day slacker!

Unknown said...

at least you're doing something for him! let us nor forget my lovely co-worker who claimed that she 'didn't have to do something because she's the girl'

liko said...

you look fabulous!

Jessica F. said...

Be-au-ti-ful!!! I think pregnant ladies are the prettiest!!!

Audra said...

You look great! I love the outfit!

Christina said...

Gorgeous pic! You're one hot momma!

KristenE. said...

You look so good! Happy valentines day! I'm sure what you make for thomas will be GREAT! Love you guys =o)

Matti said...

You are beautiful. I was admiring your cute little belly at the beach today.

AJ said...

you look great pregnant. i promise.

Emily said...

Hot mama. I'm jealous.

The Pixton Family said...

You look gorgeous and I love your blog!!