my friend lizzie started a blog for writers called oliofolio and asked me to be a regular contributor. this week makes it's second week going strong and i published my first piece on it a few seconds ago. each week we have a new theme and each day something fresh will be published from one of the contributing writers that has something to do with that week's theme. i will be contributing at least twice a month (hopefully more, i just have to get writing and be brave) and if you want to know the truth i am excited but a little nervous because so far the writing has all been so great that i feel like such an impostor. my insecurities aside, i am grateful for the chance to be a part anyway and honored that she even asked me. i think it will be good practice at the very least and it is so inspiring to read what everyone else writes and marvel at how good they are.
so this is my first piece on oliofolio: this is a test, or coming home to a place you've never been before. i was happy with it until i clicked "publish" and now i just see flaws, but here it is anyway. i hope to get better. head on over and let us know what you think of us all- we are eager to improve, create, share and grow.
i read it. i liked it.
Beautyfull Steph. What I wouldn't give to suffocate in that humidity again. Keep the writing pieces comin.
absolutely beautiful--you're a fantastic writer!!
Beautiful. It brought a tear to my eye. I remember feeling so excited for you moving to Hawaii to start that adventure, while at the same time feeling so sad you wouldn't be there for Grandma's funeral. I loved it...can't wait to read more.
can you tell them all not to read tomorrow?
such a beautifully expressed piece. i'll be checking in regularly...
oh and i saw those pics of ambrose mackin' on miss eden over on matti's blog. hehe, made me smile.
oh steph don't be so modest! we all love the writing, even though your blog is just a small glimpse of it.
let the bragging rights begin!
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