i have been thinking about the boys room too.
so much so that i have gone and bought some fabric:

and all the other things you need to quilt (boy did that fabricmart lady work me. she knew she was working with a novice!) in an attempt to make the boy's bedspreads.
now that i have spent all this money i feel like it HAS to be GOOD! haha oh well.
i have basic designs to go off of and have looked at a few tutorials that have been extremely helpful:
this is probably one of the best from my happy little life (thanks ash!) it's on the right column- a couple of items down.
i really liked this rotary cutter tutorial from purl bee (thanks meg!)
a quilt is nice has given me some great tips and ideas too.
sooooo, i hope that they turn out.
i am just starting on ambrose's this weeekend and then if that goes well and i end up not only finishing it but liking it too then the other baby gets one as well.
isnt that always the way with the poor second child? so, here goes nothin.
awesome. are you going to hand quilt it, machine quilt it or tie it? that fabric is so cool it doesn't matter how you do it, it will rock. i'd love to come help you...
just want to say that I love all those pieces of fabric you have. So boy-and-beach-ish. I'm sure what ever you make out of it will turn out great. I find that whenever I make something for some one else I end up thinking about them the whole time I'm making it. And it makes me happy.
a quilt is on my to-do list. and you got those fabrics at fabric mart?? i do have a book with tons of various quilts in them. you can borrow it if you'd like. the baby one on 'my happy little life' looks very cute, too. i think i will attempt a tie quilt, it's faster and seems a lot simpler than hand or machine quilting. and my grandma made a tie quilt/blanket for me that i still have. it is falling to pieces. either way, everything you do/make turns out beautifully, when we have a craft day, let's all bring something to work on. for real! if you're not done with your quilt by then, of course. see you at the beach tomorrow? hope so!
I hate to admit but it totally is like that at our house... "the poor second child" I was rocking Henry in his room, trying to have some solid one on one time - when his sister runs upstairs (in the dark) knocks into her rocking horse, starts screaming which immediately meant I had to put Henry in his crib, cutting our time short in order to console the older child.
The fabric couldn't be better. I love what you picked. By the way, check out my blog to see who Karina Stratton is engaged to marry!
Oh but you figure out all the bumps and blemishes with #1 and #2 gets something much more!
Looks like lots of fun. Wish I could find the energy these days to join in on all the fun! I can't wait to see photos of teh finished product.
cute fabric! i am so impressed with all of your newfound craft-ish skills. please, please post the progress.
mellie- i dont think i will tie the first one- i want to go for a little cleaner look. i will be doing some hand sewing and some machine... i think... we will see (i really, honestly dont know what i am doing but have a general idea)!
oh and liko- NO WAY i didnt get those fabrics at fabricmart!! hahaha- if i did it would be pure aloha... which could be cool too. but i got all these from the fabulous fabric worm on etsy - and please help me! let's make quilts together!
You go girl!!!
can't wait to see the finished products!
Super cute. And thanks for the links. I've been mulling the idea of making a quilt for a little while and maybe my excuses are dwindling now that you've done the research for me.
love the fabrics! You are more brave than I am. I have some cute vintage fabrics and other stuff waiting fr me to make a quilt...I just need to do it.
Maybe we can all make quilts together.
Hi! I remember you and Thomas from my good old Hawaii days! Congrats on baby #2 on the way. I'm excited that people read my weight loss blog! :)
One more thing- are you from Bakersfield? I think I heard/read that somewhere. My husband did an internship there in 2006 and I miss it. We had fun there. We were only there in the summer, but isn't the weather pretty much perfect year round? Ok, I'm gonna feel dumb if you're not from Bakersfield.
So cute! Can I put in an order for Ava? Hehehe =o) I miss you my dear friend! I'm going on vacation for a week and a half next week, so lets hang out!
That quilt will be awesomely cute!
i want to see the finish product!
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